I didn't have to work today, so instead I slept. I must have needed a lot of sleep because I got about 12 hours of it. I woke up at 1:45pm and kinda just dilly dallied around until I got motivation to go take a shower. Around 2:30 I got energy to take a shower and after that I just waited for my grandma to arrive. I passed the time by attempting to memorize some songs for VBS that I will be singing, as I am the "worship leader" for VBS this year. My grandma and her dog, Teddy Bear, arrived at about 3:30 and my mom came home from work shortly after. We sat and visited because we didn't need to leave for our mini-trip quite yet. We left around 5 and made our way to the Olive Garden in Marrillville to meet up with some relatives. My grandma is going on a two week vacation with them and we were meeting them half-way. We got to Olive Garden and we were a little early, so I started reading the book I've been working on.
They called us when they were five miles away so we went ahead and walked inside to put our name in for a table. We were quickly seated and Jan and Lee (the relatives) arrived shortly after. We made our meal choices and conversed for a while. It then became time to leave, so we moved my grandma's stuff from our car to theirs and said our good-byes. We hopped into our car and headed home. I read some more of the book on the way home, but then it became too dark to see.
There isn't much else worth reporting. So enjoy the shortness, because it won't happen often when I'm writing.
Love in Christ, Jo
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Day 8: Parades and yet another important Anniversary.
25 years as of today my parents have been married. I can say that I'm surprised they made it this long with so many times of me seeing them bicker and fight, but I also know that there were many times I could tell they love each other. So, what can I say, Happy 25th to my mom and dad.
My day was slow but full. I worked from 1130 till 6 when I originally was only supposed to work from 1130-3. One of my coworkers had to leave early for something, so she asked me If I could stay to help out. I agreed figuring money was money. I worked in the kitchen as usual. I got off work and had a text from my mom asking when I was coming home. I said I was heading home right now. She replied "we are getting ready to go to the parade, do you want to come with?" I said yea because I wanted to support my friend who got Miss Blueberry and would be riding in the parade. I got home and change my clothes and we headed out to watch some of the parade. The parade was supposed to last for 1.5 hours, but we only stayed until we got to see my friend and yell and wave at her. We then made our way over to the actual fair part of the festival. We looked for my youth pastor because he was supposed to be selling dish at a booth. We found him and talked for a bit and headed over to get some food at a sit down tent, which was being sponsored by the Fire Dept. I got some corn on the cob and my parents got other stuff. My mom and I had finished eating before my dad so we went and looked around at the fair rides and stuff. We made our rounds and headed back to my dad who was just finishing up. WE left the fair and walked back home.
As we were walking back my brother txted my mom asking her and dad to come over. So, we got home and got in the car and drove over there. This was the first time I have been to the house since they bought it, and the first time I would be seeing the inside of the house. We arrived at the house and I got a little tour. My parents were given a card from my brother for their anniversary. We stayed and chatted and left just before 10. Then I came home and that is where I'm at.
I hope to read a little of that book tonight, I'm to page 150, I was wanting to finish it, but as the hour is getting late, I don't think I will tonight.
Love in Christ, Jo
My day was slow but full. I worked from 1130 till 6 when I originally was only supposed to work from 1130-3. One of my coworkers had to leave early for something, so she asked me If I could stay to help out. I agreed figuring money was money. I worked in the kitchen as usual. I got off work and had a text from my mom asking when I was coming home. I said I was heading home right now. She replied "we are getting ready to go to the parade, do you want to come with?" I said yea because I wanted to support my friend who got Miss Blueberry and would be riding in the parade. I got home and change my clothes and we headed out to watch some of the parade. The parade was supposed to last for 1.5 hours, but we only stayed until we got to see my friend and yell and wave at her. We then made our way over to the actual fair part of the festival. We looked for my youth pastor because he was supposed to be selling dish at a booth. We found him and talked for a bit and headed over to get some food at a sit down tent, which was being sponsored by the Fire Dept. I got some corn on the cob and my parents got other stuff. My mom and I had finished eating before my dad so we went and looked around at the fair rides and stuff. We made our rounds and headed back to my dad who was just finishing up. WE left the fair and walked back home.
As we were walking back my brother txted my mom asking her and dad to come over. So, we got home and got in the car and drove over there. This was the first time I have been to the house since they bought it, and the first time I would be seeing the inside of the house. We arrived at the house and I got a little tour. My parents were given a card from my brother for their anniversary. We stayed and chatted and left just before 10. Then I came home and that is where I'm at.
I hope to read a little of that book tonight, I'm to page 150, I was wanting to finish it, but as the hour is getting late, I don't think I will tonight.
Love in Christ, Jo
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 7: A Full week of blogging: check
I am surprised to be able to say that I have actually completed a full week of blogging as of today. I am usually very bad at keeping daily activities...well daily. But anyway, on to my day.
I went to work at 11 today and worked in the kitchen the entire time. Nothing really exciting happened and the day was pretty constant until about 330. I was supposed to work till 5, but since no one was coming, I was allowed to leave at about 4:30. I left and could tell my back wasn't happy with me, so I came home and rested a bit. I tried to just lay on the floor flat, and that didn't help. My dad said yesterday that if my back still hurts in a week that we would go to the doctor. I don't want to go to the doctor, but to be honest if the doctor required me to go to a chiropractor or a masseuse, I wouldn't object one bit, haha. I would love for someone to walk on my back or pop it, but everyone in my family is too heavy to walk on it, and they don't know how to pop it correctly.
Anyway, I had a turkey pot pie for dinner, and now I've started to read "Innocent in Death" by Nora Roberts. I love to read murder mysteries and thrillers, and this one falls along the lines of the former. It is a pretty good story line so far. I'm 100 pages in out of about 370. I can't wait till the plot unfolds more, which is why this is a short blog. :)
Enjoy, comment if you wish.
Love in Christ, Jo
I went to work at 11 today and worked in the kitchen the entire time. Nothing really exciting happened and the day was pretty constant until about 330. I was supposed to work till 5, but since no one was coming, I was allowed to leave at about 4:30. I left and could tell my back wasn't happy with me, so I came home and rested a bit. I tried to just lay on the floor flat, and that didn't help. My dad said yesterday that if my back still hurts in a week that we would go to the doctor. I don't want to go to the doctor, but to be honest if the doctor required me to go to a chiropractor or a masseuse, I wouldn't object one bit, haha. I would love for someone to walk on my back or pop it, but everyone in my family is too heavy to walk on it, and they don't know how to pop it correctly.
Anyway, I had a turkey pot pie for dinner, and now I've started to read "Innocent in Death" by Nora Roberts. I love to read murder mysteries and thrillers, and this one falls along the lines of the former. It is a pretty good story line so far. I'm 100 pages in out of about 370. I can't wait till the plot unfolds more, which is why this is a short blog. :)
Enjoy, comment if you wish.
Love in Christ, Jo
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Day 6: Life's Blessings
Sunday was a fulfilling day.. well kinda. This is going to be a long post so bear with me :)
I woke up this morning and got ready to go to my Grandma's church because my mom and I were doing the special music there. My grandma has been wanting my mom to play there for a while, but since my mom teaches Sunday School during the school year at church, she hasn't been able to. But alas, Sunday school is on summer break, as am I, so she asked us both to do something this Sunday. My mom and I chose to play and sing (respectively) the hymn, "How Great Thou Art".
Anyway, My mom, dad, and I got to the church around 9 and the service starts at 9:30. The regular pastor was sick (or whatever the Lutheran Church calls the pastor), so her husband read what the pastor prepared. If you are familiar with the Lutheran Church, you know there is a lot of standing and sitting and hymns and response readings. Well the first Hymn we sang was called, "Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling". Here are the lyrics:
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
“Who will go and work today?
Fields are ripe and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?”
Long and loud the Master calls us,
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer, gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me”?
If you cannot cross the ocean,
And the distant lands explore,
You can find the lost around you,
You can help them at your door;
If you cannot give your thousands,
You can give the widow’s mite;
What you truly give for Jesus,
Will be precious in His sight.
If you cannot speak like angels,
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked,
With the judgment’s dread alarms,
You can lead the little children
To the Savior’s waiting arms.
If you cannot be the watchman,
Standing high on Zion’s wall,
Pointing out the path to heaven,
Offering life and peace to all,
With your prayers and with your bounties
You can do what heaven demands;
You can be like faithful Aaron,
Holding up the prophet’s hands.
Let none hear you idly saying,
“There is nothing I can do.”
While the lost of earth are dying,
And the Master calls for you;
Take the task He gives you gladly;
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calls you,
“Here am I, send me, send me.”
These lyrics are amazing! I just got thinking, what if every Christian responded "Here am I, send me, send me" when God called them to do something? Do you know what kind of a world this would be? Also, "Let none hear you idly saying, 'There is nothing I can do' While the lost of earth are dying,"... That hurts my heart when I think of it that way. There are so many things that we, as Christ followers can do to help the people around us that are "lost" and don't know God, yet we think so little of the powers that God has given us through Him. We need to realize that we CAN make a difference in this world, whether that is being a missionary, or helping in Sunday school and showing God's love to those around you. Everything we do makes a difference.
Anyway, back to the day. We finished singing that hymn, and went on to a few other reading and responses. Then we got to the Bible passages of the day, which were 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21 and Galatians 5:1, 13-25 and Luke 9:51-62. (You should read those now btw, the computer won't scroll through without you :P)
After that was read, we had the Children's Message which was based off of the last passage I mentioned. There was only one girl there, probably about 12 years old (this is a really really small church, probably 15 people there). Well she went up and his main point was when he asked her, "How could you play follow the leader (a metaphor for following Jesus) with your eyes closed?" She replied, "Listen to their voice." He then answered, "That is very true, but what if the leader allowed you to hang on them while playing, wouldn't that make it easier?" She answered, "Yea, it would." So that was the cue for them to stand up, she closed her eyes and grabbed on to his jacket and then he lead her around the church pews.
This put me in awe and reminded me not only of the amazing faith of a child, but that God always has my back. By faith, I have chosen to follow Him, and He will keep His promise to never let me out of His hold, unless I let go of Him. That was a nice reminder.
Then the sermon was spoken and after it was my mom and I's turn to perform. We went up and did well. I thought that the four verses was a little too much, but everyone thought I had a great voice and were amazed at my mom's ability to play the accordion.
After that was the prayer time, which most of they write in the bulletin, so I'm going to type that here because I think the way and things they pray for are how we should pray everyday.
Gathered together as God's people in Christ Jesus, let us pray for the church, those in need, and all of God's creation. (Brief silence)
God of liberation, lead the people of your church by your Spirit. Bring forth from us fruits of love, peace, and joy, and help us share these good fruits throughout the world. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Send relief to people, plants, and animals around the world whenever heat becomes a burden to them. Provide shade and shelter, cool breezes, and clean water in abundance. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Move your Spirit among leaders of nations, guiding them to honor the rights of all human beings. Make your strong presence known in places where people face abuse and are denied the ability to live with integrity. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Open your holy reign of peace and freedom in those who are in dire need. Heal their illnesses, relieve their pain, and renew them as only you are able. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Praising you for all theologians and teachers. We ask you impart the wisdom given the saints to all your people as we carry forth your mission in this world. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Into your hands, gracious God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
I just think that is an awesome way to pray.
After church we had grilled cheese for lunch and took a nap. Then we went to a family friend's 50th wedding anniversary party. I think it is just a blessing to see a successful marriage after 50 years. It was cute and you could tell that they still are in love, probably as they were 50 years ago. We sat down by an old couple who have been married for 70 years! They were so adorable and picking on each other and it just made my heart smile :).
After the party we came back home and I took another nap because I was so tired and my back was (and still is) hurting. I woke up and headed to the Bible Study at my church. We talked about how God is faithful and we should trust that. And how when we ask for healing and someone dies, that in reality if they believed in God, the person was healed and even more joyous. I just never thought of it that way.
Thats really about it, sorry the post was so long. If you are a praying person, pray for my back to be healed. Thanks for reading.
Love in Christ, Jo
I woke up this morning and got ready to go to my Grandma's church because my mom and I were doing the special music there. My grandma has been wanting my mom to play there for a while, but since my mom teaches Sunday School during the school year at church, she hasn't been able to. But alas, Sunday school is on summer break, as am I, so she asked us both to do something this Sunday. My mom and I chose to play and sing (respectively) the hymn, "How Great Thou Art".
Anyway, My mom, dad, and I got to the church around 9 and the service starts at 9:30. The regular pastor was sick (or whatever the Lutheran Church calls the pastor), so her husband read what the pastor prepared. If you are familiar with the Lutheran Church, you know there is a lot of standing and sitting and hymns and response readings. Well the first Hymn we sang was called, "Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling". Here are the lyrics:
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
“Who will go and work today?
Fields are ripe and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?”
Long and loud the Master calls us,
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer, gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me”?
If you cannot cross the ocean,
And the distant lands explore,
You can find the lost around you,
You can help them at your door;
If you cannot give your thousands,
You can give the widow’s mite;
What you truly give for Jesus,
Will be precious in His sight.
If you cannot speak like angels,
If you cannot preach like Paul,
You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked,
With the judgment’s dread alarms,
You can lead the little children
To the Savior’s waiting arms.
If you cannot be the watchman,
Standing high on Zion’s wall,
Pointing out the path to heaven,
Offering life and peace to all,
With your prayers and with your bounties
You can do what heaven demands;
You can be like faithful Aaron,
Holding up the prophet’s hands.
Let none hear you idly saying,
“There is nothing I can do.”
While the lost of earth are dying,
And the Master calls for you;
Take the task He gives you gladly;
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calls you,
“Here am I, send me, send me.”
These lyrics are amazing! I just got thinking, what if every Christian responded "Here am I, send me, send me" when God called them to do something? Do you know what kind of a world this would be? Also, "Let none hear you idly saying, 'There is nothing I can do' While the lost of earth are dying,"... That hurts my heart when I think of it that way. There are so many things that we, as Christ followers can do to help the people around us that are "lost" and don't know God, yet we think so little of the powers that God has given us through Him. We need to realize that we CAN make a difference in this world, whether that is being a missionary, or helping in Sunday school and showing God's love to those around you. Everything we do makes a difference.
Anyway, back to the day. We finished singing that hymn, and went on to a few other reading and responses. Then we got to the Bible passages of the day, which were 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21 and Galatians 5:1, 13-25 and Luke 9:51-62. (You should read those now btw, the computer won't scroll through without you :P)
After that was read, we had the Children's Message which was based off of the last passage I mentioned. There was only one girl there, probably about 12 years old (this is a really really small church, probably 15 people there). Well she went up and his main point was when he asked her, "How could you play follow the leader (a metaphor for following Jesus) with your eyes closed?" She replied, "Listen to their voice." He then answered, "That is very true, but what if the leader allowed you to hang on them while playing, wouldn't that make it easier?" She answered, "Yea, it would." So that was the cue for them to stand up, she closed her eyes and grabbed on to his jacket and then he lead her around the church pews.
This put me in awe and reminded me not only of the amazing faith of a child, but that God always has my back. By faith, I have chosen to follow Him, and He will keep His promise to never let me out of His hold, unless I let go of Him. That was a nice reminder.
Then the sermon was spoken and after it was my mom and I's turn to perform. We went up and did well. I thought that the four verses was a little too much, but everyone thought I had a great voice and were amazed at my mom's ability to play the accordion.
After that was the prayer time, which most of they write in the bulletin, so I'm going to type that here because I think the way and things they pray for are how we should pray everyday.
Gathered together as God's people in Christ Jesus, let us pray for the church, those in need, and all of God's creation. (Brief silence)
God of liberation, lead the people of your church by your Spirit. Bring forth from us fruits of love, peace, and joy, and help us share these good fruits throughout the world. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Send relief to people, plants, and animals around the world whenever heat becomes a burden to them. Provide shade and shelter, cool breezes, and clean water in abundance. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Move your Spirit among leaders of nations, guiding them to honor the rights of all human beings. Make your strong presence known in places where people face abuse and are denied the ability to live with integrity. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Open your holy reign of peace and freedom in those who are in dire need. Heal their illnesses, relieve their pain, and renew them as only you are able. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Praising you for all theologians and teachers. We ask you impart the wisdom given the saints to all your people as we carry forth your mission in this world. Hear us, O God. Your Mercy is great.
Into your hands, gracious God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
I just think that is an awesome way to pray.
After church we had grilled cheese for lunch and took a nap. Then we went to a family friend's 50th wedding anniversary party. I think it is just a blessing to see a successful marriage after 50 years. It was cute and you could tell that they still are in love, probably as they were 50 years ago. We sat down by an old couple who have been married for 70 years! They were so adorable and picking on each other and it just made my heart smile :).
After the party we came back home and I took another nap because I was so tired and my back was (and still is) hurting. I woke up and headed to the Bible Study at my church. We talked about how God is faithful and we should trust that. And how when we ask for healing and someone dies, that in reality if they believed in God, the person was healed and even more joyous. I just never thought of it that way.
Thats really about it, sorry the post was so long. If you are a praying person, pray for my back to be healed. Thanks for reading.
Love in Christ, Jo
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day 5: Bad Dreams Reveal Your Biggest Fears
So, I'm going to report about my day before I get to the meaning of my title.
I went to work at 1030 today, which is mighty early compared to my normal time. I got there and started in the kitchen, but Emily (my boss) thought today would be a good day to have me work cashier. I did ok for it being my first time. I messed up a lot, but I blame that on working 7.5 hours the day before and not getting a lot of sleep. The first order I took, it was totaled at 11.43 and the man gave me 20.45. I was so focused on giving him the 2 cents back and making sure I hit the right buttons, I forgot to give him his other 8 dollars. I forgot a few things when delivering the orders, but the people were kind when they realized it and thankfully didn't yell at me. After about 2 hours of doing that, I went on break. After my break I worked in the kitchen until I was let off early (Thank God) at 5 instead of 6.
I have a weekly dinner with my Grandma, which I had to reschedule from the usual Friday night to tonight because I worked too late for a decent suppertime last night. Anyway, I called her up and told her I'd be over early since I got off an hour earlier than I thought I would. I changed clothes when I got home and headed to her house. We had planned to go to a place called "Burkholder Dutch Village", but when we arrived there were no cars in the parking lot and a sign in the window that read, "Sorry, We're Closed". So, we adjusted and headed over to the Taco Bell/ KFC in town. We both ordered a "5 buck box" and were surprised at how much food was in it. We ate and then she needed to put gas in her car, so it would be full (because she is leaving it for me to use while she is on a vacation for 2 weeks!). We went to Martins and got food and gasoline, and then headed back to her house. From there, I left and came back home.
That was my day, now on to the purpose of the title.
As you read yesterday, I was upset about the date and all that jazz. Well last night, I had a nightmare that my grandma (the only one I have left that was married to the grandpa I previously mentioned) died yesterday. It was one of those dreams that you wake up from and feel that your pillow is wet only to realize that you were crying. As I thought about the dream all day, I realized that if my grandma were to die soon, it would kill me. Then my mind surfed through the variety of dreams/nightmares that I've had and I made a realization. Nightmares are only nightmares because they play on your fears. When I was a kid, I had a nightmare that I was in a house, and these gorilla-sized spiders started to take over the house and I had no escape. I classified that as a nightmare because I HATE all bugs.
Maybe my realization is a no-brainer to most, but I'm writing to write what I think, and that is what I think.
Anyway, Hope you enjoyed, comment if you want.
Love in Christ, Jo
I went to work at 1030 today, which is mighty early compared to my normal time. I got there and started in the kitchen, but Emily (my boss) thought today would be a good day to have me work cashier. I did ok for it being my first time. I messed up a lot, but I blame that on working 7.5 hours the day before and not getting a lot of sleep. The first order I took, it was totaled at 11.43 and the man gave me 20.45. I was so focused on giving him the 2 cents back and making sure I hit the right buttons, I forgot to give him his other 8 dollars. I forgot a few things when delivering the orders, but the people were kind when they realized it and thankfully didn't yell at me. After about 2 hours of doing that, I went on break. After my break I worked in the kitchen until I was let off early (Thank God) at 5 instead of 6.
I have a weekly dinner with my Grandma, which I had to reschedule from the usual Friday night to tonight because I worked too late for a decent suppertime last night. Anyway, I called her up and told her I'd be over early since I got off an hour earlier than I thought I would. I changed clothes when I got home and headed to her house. We had planned to go to a place called "Burkholder Dutch Village", but when we arrived there were no cars in the parking lot and a sign in the window that read, "Sorry, We're Closed". So, we adjusted and headed over to the Taco Bell/ KFC in town. We both ordered a "5 buck box" and were surprised at how much food was in it. We ate and then she needed to put gas in her car, so it would be full (because she is leaving it for me to use while she is on a vacation for 2 weeks!). We went to Martins and got food and gasoline, and then headed back to her house. From there, I left and came back home.
That was my day, now on to the purpose of the title.
As you read yesterday, I was upset about the date and all that jazz. Well last night, I had a nightmare that my grandma (the only one I have left that was married to the grandpa I previously mentioned) died yesterday. It was one of those dreams that you wake up from and feel that your pillow is wet only to realize that you were crying. As I thought about the dream all day, I realized that if my grandma were to die soon, it would kill me. Then my mind surfed through the variety of dreams/nightmares that I've had and I made a realization. Nightmares are only nightmares because they play on your fears. When I was a kid, I had a nightmare that I was in a house, and these gorilla-sized spiders started to take over the house and I had no escape. I classified that as a nightmare because I HATE all bugs.
Maybe my realization is a no-brainer to most, but I'm writing to write what I think, and that is what I think.
Anyway, Hope you enjoyed, comment if you want.
Love in Christ, Jo
Friday, June 25, 2010
Day 4: Long Days and Memories
Today felt like a really long day, but I was working so I didn't really have much activity. I woke up and went to work from 11:30-7. This would be my first 7.5 hour shift I have worked at BK. It was a pretty constant flow of people, with the normal rushes happening at lunch and dinner time. This was also the first time I worked over the dinner hours, so that gave me a little bit of experience there. I am beat though. I did get a break, but 30 minutes of sitting compared to 7 hours of standing and being rushed takes it out of a person. I worked in kitchen on the main board for the majority of the 7 hours. I'm still waiting on her to put me up front like she keeps saying she will, hopefully that will happen tomorrow.
I turned in my manager tests today too, got 100 on all of them, so now I just need to read the huge manual and I think she will make me a manager after she cross-trains me to work all the places. I can't wait to be a manager, because honestly I'm tired of being bossed around like I'm still the new kid.
The date is June 25, 2010. This is a very special day to me because, if my grandpa were still alive, he would have turned 80 today. My heart still aches when I think of him. I miss him so much. In a few days, June 28th, my grandparents would have been married 57 years. I still sometimes expect him to be there when I go visit my grandma, and my heart burns with tears when I realize he won't be there.
But I have to keep in mind that he is in a much better place. He doesn't have to suffer the pain of cancer anymore, or the pain of living in a sinful world anymore. And someday, I will be up there with him, getting the hugs and kisses I miss and cherish so much.
Well, I'm going to stop writing because I'm tearing up. Thanks for listening/reading.
Love in Christ, Katie Jo
I turned in my manager tests today too, got 100 on all of them, so now I just need to read the huge manual and I think she will make me a manager after she cross-trains me to work all the places. I can't wait to be a manager, because honestly I'm tired of being bossed around like I'm still the new kid.
The date is June 25, 2010. This is a very special day to me because, if my grandpa were still alive, he would have turned 80 today. My heart still aches when I think of him. I miss him so much. In a few days, June 28th, my grandparents would have been married 57 years. I still sometimes expect him to be there when I go visit my grandma, and my heart burns with tears when I realize he won't be there.
But I have to keep in mind that he is in a much better place. He doesn't have to suffer the pain of cancer anymore, or the pain of living in a sinful world anymore. And someday, I will be up there with him, getting the hugs and kisses I miss and cherish so much.
Well, I'm going to stop writing because I'm tearing up. Thanks for listening/reading.
Love in Christ, Katie Jo
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Day 3: Water Parks and Sun Burns
Today was a pretty fun day. I woke up and went to a water park with the kids at my church (and by kids I mean ages 2-10). A few adults came as well. If you know me, you know that I'm not much of a kid person, especially when they are screaming and crying. Well today, the kids with us were pretty well behaved. I was pleasantly surprised of this. At one point during the day, myself and a girl named Abby in our group got separated from the rest. I was very desperate to find the rest of the group, but she wanted to go on more rides. So, not wanting to upset her, I agreed, but told her we had too look for the adults for a little bit first on our way over to the ride she wanted to ride. Without luck, we didn't find the rest of the group, so we headed over to the slide and we went down them about 2 or 3 times, and I told her we had to leave and try to find the group again. She whined a little but did agree to come with me. We did find the group that time. All throughout the day I had two or three girls wanting to ride in the tubes with me down the slides. Also, at various points throughout the day, each one of them held my hand, which even though I don't like kids, I thought was the cutest thing in the world. At one time, I had two of the girls fight over who I went with, (which luckily another adult saved me from that because the arguing kinda scared me).
Surprisingly, this day helped me learn something special. I learned that although at this point I don't really want/like kids, I would be a decent mother. Motherhood is a learning process from what I hear, and even without having kids, I'm on the right path to start that learning. I also learned that motherhood shouldn't be a job, but rather a passion. As a mother, you shouldn't feel you "have" to take care of the child, but instead feel as if you "want" to take care of him or her. Patience is always a plus as well.
Anyway, I'm going to post a more factual update of what happened today instead of all my insight.
I woke up and went to the church and rode to the water park with my pastor Jaree, a church family member Denise, a girl I recently started to babysit Megan, and myself of course. The car ride wasn't awesome, but it wasn't drab enough to make the time feel slow. We arrived at the water park shortly before it opened and stood in line waiting for the line to move into the park for about 10 minutes. We finally got in and we rented 2 double lockers, one to which I was keeper of the key for the day. We headed to the restrooms so the kids could change into their suits. After that task, we headed to our freshly rented lockers and jammed as much as we could fit in the lockers (in the end that only included 4 bags or so and everyone's towel, and we had plenty to store left over). The Wave Pool was directly next to the lockers so we made that our first trip. After about 2 wave sets (10-20 minutes time wise) we decided to go on our first water slide. Some of the girls were scared to go, so we had to team up adult w/ kid so they would at least try it. Lines were almost non-existent the majority of the day; therefore, allowing us to not have to deal with the rising suspense in the childrens' mind. I don't remember who I went with first, but I do remember that every kid ended up loving the ride and wanted to do it again. So, we did. After the second run we decided to traverse the Lazy River for a go around.
After that I don't really recall the order of the rides we rode, but after the lazy river (or a few rides after that) we ate lunch. I brought a pop-tart with me so I wouldn't have to buy food, but wasn't really hungry so I didn't eat much of it. Everyone finished their food and the group split up, Jaree and I went to the "big kid" rides, while the kids and a few adults went to the "kid place" they had at the park. Jaree and I had a blast but after trying each slide we rejoined the kids at the kids part of the park. When we got there we found out that Megan had a little scare because the group and her separated in the "Action River" (aka Lazy River for kids), but a loving woman helped her find the group and Denise was with her outside of the river the whole time, but Megan just couldn't hear her.
After that Abby and I went down the "toilet bowl" ride and that is when we go separated from the rest of the group (refer to top of blog for rest of story.) Upon finding the group we rode the slides that we rode at the beginning of the day and did that about 3-4 times. We then decided it was time for ice cream and made our way back to where we "camped" out. Jaree and I went and retrieved the Dippin Dots while Denise watched the kids. By the time we got our ice cream and finished it the park was closing so we got everyone around and changed and left the park.
So, I realize this is really long so I will stop (because that is all I really care to remember about today).
Enjoy and leave comments.
Love in Christ, Jo
Surprisingly, this day helped me learn something special. I learned that although at this point I don't really want/like kids, I would be a decent mother. Motherhood is a learning process from what I hear, and even without having kids, I'm on the right path to start that learning. I also learned that motherhood shouldn't be a job, but rather a passion. As a mother, you shouldn't feel you "have" to take care of the child, but instead feel as if you "want" to take care of him or her. Patience is always a plus as well.
Anyway, I'm going to post a more factual update of what happened today instead of all my insight.
I woke up and went to the church and rode to the water park with my pastor Jaree, a church family member Denise, a girl I recently started to babysit Megan, and myself of course. The car ride wasn't awesome, but it wasn't drab enough to make the time feel slow. We arrived at the water park shortly before it opened and stood in line waiting for the line to move into the park for about 10 minutes. We finally got in and we rented 2 double lockers, one to which I was keeper of the key for the day. We headed to the restrooms so the kids could change into their suits. After that task, we headed to our freshly rented lockers and jammed as much as we could fit in the lockers (in the end that only included 4 bags or so and everyone's towel, and we had plenty to store left over). The Wave Pool was directly next to the lockers so we made that our first trip. After about 2 wave sets (10-20 minutes time wise) we decided to go on our first water slide. Some of the girls were scared to go, so we had to team up adult w/ kid so they would at least try it. Lines were almost non-existent the majority of the day; therefore, allowing us to not have to deal with the rising suspense in the childrens' mind. I don't remember who I went with first, but I do remember that every kid ended up loving the ride and wanted to do it again. So, we did. After the second run we decided to traverse the Lazy River for a go around.
After that I don't really recall the order of the rides we rode, but after the lazy river (or a few rides after that) we ate lunch. I brought a pop-tart with me so I wouldn't have to buy food, but wasn't really hungry so I didn't eat much of it. Everyone finished their food and the group split up, Jaree and I went to the "big kid" rides, while the kids and a few adults went to the "kid place" they had at the park. Jaree and I had a blast but after trying each slide we rejoined the kids at the kids part of the park. When we got there we found out that Megan had a little scare because the group and her separated in the "Action River" (aka Lazy River for kids), but a loving woman helped her find the group and Denise was with her outside of the river the whole time, but Megan just couldn't hear her.
After that Abby and I went down the "toilet bowl" ride and that is when we go separated from the rest of the group (refer to top of blog for rest of story.) Upon finding the group we rode the slides that we rode at the beginning of the day and did that about 3-4 times. We then decided it was time for ice cream and made our way back to where we "camped" out. Jaree and I went and retrieved the Dippin Dots while Denise watched the kids. By the time we got our ice cream and finished it the park was closing so we got everyone around and changed and left the park.
So, I realize this is really long so I will stop (because that is all I really care to remember about today).
Enjoy and leave comments.
Love in Christ, Jo
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Day 2: Rain, Rain, and oh wait!, More Rain!
Today was a pretty drab day activity wise. I woke up and attended a fellowship breakfast with my church (mostly the seniors, but they all are lovable to me). I had a ham and cheese omelet and with it came two pancakes, so I was pretty full. I came back home and decided it was too early for me to be up on my day off, so I went back to sleep. I slept in till about 1:30 ish if I can recall correctly. I got up and did absolutely nothing pretty much the whole day. About an hour and a half ago though some storms started brewing and we had a tornado warning. In a town not too far from mine they had 100 mph winds.
After all the excitement though, I can't say it came by surprise. I'm pretty sure that we have had a tornado watch or warning, or even just a severe thunderstorm every other day for the entire month so far. This is not so much causing a problem for me, but it is definitely causing a problem for the farmers. They have been planting and replanting, desperate for their crops to grow only for them to be rained out and washed up from the soil. I feel sorry for the farmers, because for many, the only source of income they have is quite literally being washed up. At the same time though, usually they are doing rain dances by this time because it hasn't rained all summer, and their crops are dying from the heat and lack of hydration. So in reality, they got what they asked for, just in too high of dosage.
It's funny how this relates to my life in many ways. I go for days (months or years) asking for God to give me something, praying that He will provide as He says He will. Then finally, when the day comes where I receive what I asked for, I'm ungrateful because it wasn't exactly what I wanted to have or too much of what I wanted.
Honestly, this doesn't just relate to my life. Humans all over can probably relate to this. During the last election everyone wanted change, and now that many things have changed, now everyone wants to go back to how it was. Why can't we as humans be satisfied or at least own up to what we ask for?
And for the times that we don't receive what we ask for, why can't we be patient enough to realize that we don't need what we think we do?
I have asked God many times to help me pay for college. Every time I tell Him, "It is in Your hands now". Yet, Once I receive the financial package and it isn't as much as I hoped, I freak out and get angry at God for not listening. The problem with me doing that is, I'm wrong. God IS listening, He is just much more patient than I am and ever will be. I need to TRUST in God and believe in His ways. Isn't that what Faith is?
Faith is a funny thing sometimes. Sometimes people have faith when they are desperate and don't have faith when they are on cloud nine. Sometimes people have faith when they have received what they wanted, but they don't have faith when they are left with "no response".
I guess it all comes down to one thing. A human's faith tends to be a faucet controlled by our environment. The faucet is turned on, when the situation calls for it, and turned off when we "don't need it anymore". What we as humans need to strive for is faith as a river, a constant flow of faith in the All Mighty God.
Well this ended up being longer than what I planned, and it also may not make any sense, but please enjoy! Leave a comment and let me know what you think, even debate with me if you'd like.
Love in Christ, Jo
After all the excitement though, I can't say it came by surprise. I'm pretty sure that we have had a tornado watch or warning, or even just a severe thunderstorm every other day for the entire month so far. This is not so much causing a problem for me, but it is definitely causing a problem for the farmers. They have been planting and replanting, desperate for their crops to grow only for them to be rained out and washed up from the soil. I feel sorry for the farmers, because for many, the only source of income they have is quite literally being washed up. At the same time though, usually they are doing rain dances by this time because it hasn't rained all summer, and their crops are dying from the heat and lack of hydration. So in reality, they got what they asked for, just in too high of dosage.
It's funny how this relates to my life in many ways. I go for days (months or years) asking for God to give me something, praying that He will provide as He says He will. Then finally, when the day comes where I receive what I asked for, I'm ungrateful because it wasn't exactly what I wanted to have or too much of what I wanted.
Honestly, this doesn't just relate to my life. Humans all over can probably relate to this. During the last election everyone wanted change, and now that many things have changed, now everyone wants to go back to how it was. Why can't we as humans be satisfied or at least own up to what we ask for?
And for the times that we don't receive what we ask for, why can't we be patient enough to realize that we don't need what we think we do?
I have asked God many times to help me pay for college. Every time I tell Him, "It is in Your hands now". Yet, Once I receive the financial package and it isn't as much as I hoped, I freak out and get angry at God for not listening. The problem with me doing that is, I'm wrong. God IS listening, He is just much more patient than I am and ever will be. I need to TRUST in God and believe in His ways. Isn't that what Faith is?
Faith is a funny thing sometimes. Sometimes people have faith when they are desperate and don't have faith when they are on cloud nine. Sometimes people have faith when they have received what they wanted, but they don't have faith when they are left with "no response".
I guess it all comes down to one thing. A human's faith tends to be a faucet controlled by our environment. The faucet is turned on, when the situation calls for it, and turned off when we "don't need it anymore". What we as humans need to strive for is faith as a river, a constant flow of faith in the All Mighty God.
Well this ended up being longer than what I planned, and it also may not make any sense, but please enjoy! Leave a comment and let me know what you think, even debate with me if you'd like.
Love in Christ, Jo
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Day 1: An introduction
Hello to anyone who stumbles onto this blog. This will serve as a journal type thing for now, and maybe later will advance to something much more interesting.
Introducing ME :)
My name is Jo (for the blogs purposes anyway. I am 19 years old and I am a student at a college in Indiana. I live in small town, USA while I'm not at school. I love playing sports over watching them. I love to read (hence the background), so if i ever get the motivation to pick up a book instead of the computer then this could be a book blog. I'm a Christian, and respect those who aren't. I'm tolerant of everyone, even the people that walk all over me. You will get to know more as I post (hopefully) daily.
Onto the news of today:
Went to work at Burger King from 1130-3 today. Generally I'm the one that makes the sandwiches, but the "big boss man" was there today, so I was cleaning everything that exists in the kitchen. I didn't touch a sandwich once. I was told by my immediate manager to sweep, but then I was told by the "big boss man" to go back to my post. (Which in reality, I have no idea what my "post" is. I just go where ever I'm needed.) Anyway, after get yelled at to do one thing and then move on to another, I finally got off work.
I got home and really did nothing for about an hour (yeah my life is exciting isn't it?). Then one of my friends was online, so I decided I was in the mood to play some tennis and asked her to join me. We got to the courts around 4:45 and played till about 6. I got home and was told we were heading to a visitation for a friend of my mom's dad who passed. I hate funerals ever since my grandpa died about 3 years ago. But I went, and didn't get within 10 feet of the casket. When I did finally glance toward the box, the only person I saw was my grandpa in the box. I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to run, but I couldn't without raising a lot of suspicion. I survived and my mom, dad, and two work buddies of my mom, and I went out to eat at Honkers. We ate, conversed, and parted ways. When we got home, I was still upset, so I went on a run. I didn't run much because I'm not in the greatest shape after not exercising for about a year. I came back home and here I am, writing a blog.
At this point, I'm not sure if I know why I am writing this blog. I'm not involving too much emotion because the world doesn't need to be exposed to the insanity of my mind, so it won't be much of a "release". I have never had too much of a memory, so maybe this will help me recall days I'd like to remember (and days I don't want to remember as well I guess).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and subscribe. Write comments, they make me feel loved. Provide suggestions on what I should write if you have any as well. :)
Love in Christ, Jo
Introducing ME :)
My name is Jo (for the blogs purposes anyway. I am 19 years old and I am a student at a college in Indiana. I live in small town, USA while I'm not at school. I love playing sports over watching them. I love to read (hence the background), so if i ever get the motivation to pick up a book instead of the computer then this could be a book blog. I'm a Christian, and respect those who aren't. I'm tolerant of everyone, even the people that walk all over me. You will get to know more as I post (hopefully) daily.
Onto the news of today:
Went to work at Burger King from 1130-3 today. Generally I'm the one that makes the sandwiches, but the "big boss man" was there today, so I was cleaning everything that exists in the kitchen. I didn't touch a sandwich once. I was told by my immediate manager to sweep, but then I was told by the "big boss man" to go back to my post. (Which in reality, I have no idea what my "post" is. I just go where ever I'm needed.) Anyway, after get yelled at to do one thing and then move on to another, I finally got off work.
I got home and really did nothing for about an hour (yeah my life is exciting isn't it?). Then one of my friends was online, so I decided I was in the mood to play some tennis and asked her to join me. We got to the courts around 4:45 and played till about 6. I got home and was told we were heading to a visitation for a friend of my mom's dad who passed. I hate funerals ever since my grandpa died about 3 years ago. But I went, and didn't get within 10 feet of the casket. When I did finally glance toward the box, the only person I saw was my grandpa in the box. I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to run, but I couldn't without raising a lot of suspicion. I survived and my mom, dad, and two work buddies of my mom, and I went out to eat at Honkers. We ate, conversed, and parted ways. When we got home, I was still upset, so I went on a run. I didn't run much because I'm not in the greatest shape after not exercising for about a year. I came back home and here I am, writing a blog.
At this point, I'm not sure if I know why I am writing this blog. I'm not involving too much emotion because the world doesn't need to be exposed to the insanity of my mind, so it won't be much of a "release". I have never had too much of a memory, so maybe this will help me recall days I'd like to remember (and days I don't want to remember as well I guess).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and subscribe. Write comments, they make me feel loved. Provide suggestions on what I should write if you have any as well. :)
Love in Christ, Jo
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